Today, I "Stumbled Upon" (yes- literally stumbled upon because I am using that little doo-hickey that I downloaded to help me find cool stuff on the web)this website called Garage Door Fail. Now it's nothing that'll blow your mind, but it was nice to see something totally different that sparked my amusement.
Like myself, the owners of this website appear to be in the overhead garage door industry. Considering how exciting it is to be in the biz (yes - that was sarcasm), they managed to find a way to keep it entertaining enough for people to actually want to browse the website and enjoy random garage door owner misfortunes.

Some of the stuff is the kind of shirt videos you may find on YouTube of some absolute jackass running head first into a garage door or a typical woman driver crashing through her garage door. But they've also created their own webshow called "Will It Bust".
Not to be mistaken with the popular online viral videos produced by Blendtec "Will It Blend", "Will It Bust" features a father and his four year old son smashing, crushing and busting random household objects with a garage door. While it may not sound so fun and while the actual crushing of the objects isn't wildly fascinating, it's the chemistry between father and son and their excitement while bonding that gets you hooked.
I immediately popped big time for the 40 second opening intro that was produced like a bad 1970's tv show. But just in watching that play with an underscore of cheesy 70's game show music, you already feel the tongue in cheek humor that you're about to witness. And while the videos aren't over the top, it's enough to offend someone with strict moral fibers. Even though you know it was all pre-planned for the sake of creating the web show, you have to question your morals in terms of parenting. I mean after all, if this is what they do in front of the camera, who knows what these two delinquents do at home.
Regardless of how you feel, the show is worth 3-5 minutes of your time. Not just because it's entertaining, but because you have to appreciate the effort put forward to entertain the viewer. My review is: BRAVO! Well done and keep 'em coming!!!
Check it out for yourself at
You can also find high quality version of the web show on YouTube. here are a few of my favorite episodes:
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